If you’re part of the 60% of Americans who don’t have employer provided medical insurance, you’re on your own to find government mandated health insurance. Here’s what you need to know when searching for a health insurance agency.
Who Do You Want Covered?
When choosing an insurance agency, you’re going to have options. You’ll want to determine who in your family you want to cover and then find out who you’re legally allowed to cover. Your children may be able to be covered until their mid-twenties. If you’re only interested in covering yourself, finding individual health insurance may be easier. Expect to pay around $325 for each person in your household if you refuse to buy insurance, though.
How Much Will You Pay Out of Pocket?
Whatever insurance you have, whether it’s Medicare or another health insurance agency, you’re going to have to pay out of pocket costs. Depending on whether you go in network or out of the network, these costs will vary.
Which Category Do Choose?
There are multiple categories ranging from the highest priced lowest deductible plans to the lowest price highest deductible plans. These categories determine how the costs of care will be split.
Do You Want the Various Extra Coverage?
You’ll want to make sure your plan covers everything you want: life insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, etc. Life insurance is a wonderful safety net for your family. Not to be grim, but there are so many uncertainties in life and there is too much to risk not having it. Though vision insurance isn’t yet mandated for adults through the Affordable Care Act, if you can afford it, it’s better safe than sorry as 66% of Americans are affected by vision problems. Dental insurance is another good safety net! If you don’t have dental insurance, expect to spend at least $200 a year for routine checkups. If problems are found, you’re looking at potentially thousands of dollars you’ll have to pay.
If you’re looking for a health insurance agency of your own, first talk with your company. As of January 1, 2016, all companies with over 50 employees will have to provide some form of health insurance. See if your company qualifies. If they don’t, start looking now. There are many options so do your research and talk with friends and family to get their opinion of their insurers. Don’t be afraid to call around and ask for a quote! There’s a perfect plan out there for you, you just have to find it.