This video of Dave Ramsey provides you with information that auto insurance companies may not go in-depth about when choosing auto insurance. The video starts with a question from a viewer about how much auto insurance coverage is the right amount. Mr. Ramsey addresses the viewer’s question about how much auto insurance coverage is the right level, and then goes on to discuss where you should be shopping for your auto insurance.

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Auto insurance companies are not all the same. This video provides information about the costs that some insurance companies are paying out and how that cost is passed on to the client. This video will teach you what the difference is between a captive insurance agent and an independent insurance agent and how each affects the cost of your insurance.

Dave Ramsey is well known for providing on-point financial advice about a range of topics. Watch this video to learn how much auto insurance coverage you should have, and what type of agent you should shop for that coverage with. There is valuable information in this video that everyone can benefit from. Watch what Dave has to say about insurance companies and how to find the best pricing on coverage.


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